Canada’s tax laws are based on residency and source. In Canada, income earned by Canadian residents and income earned by non-residents sourced in Canada are subject to Canadian income tax. Under Part I of the federal Income Tax Act ( ITA), Canadian residents are taxed on their worldwide income. In contrast, non-residents are taxed on […]
Foreign Companies Establishing a Business in Canada
One of the threshold issues for a foreign entity to consider when seeking to establish a business in Canada is what form the business should take. The form selected should reflect both operational and tax considerations. The foreign entity will need to determine whether that business should be carried on directly, as a branch of […]
Directors’ Residency Requirements for Canadian Corporations
The federal Canada Business Corporations Act (the CBCA) requires that at least one-quarter of the directors of most federal corporations be resident Canadians. For provincial corporations, here is a list of the requirements: Alberta Directors’ residency requirements: YES At least 1/4 of the directors of a corporation must be resident Canadians. British Columbia Directors’ residency requirements: […]
Corporate Ownership Restrictions in Canada
Federal and provincial governments impose corporate ownership restrictions in certain strategic or sensitive industries, including: Financial Institutions: Generally, without ministerial approval, a foreign bank cannot own more than 10 percent of any class of shares in any Canadian bank, including a Canadian bank subsidiary. There are various exceptions to this general rule. Broadcasting: In an […]
The 7 Biggest Mistakes You Can Make While Trying to Expand Your Small Business
Managing the Chaos of Growth Growth is a topic entrepreneurs love to contemplate, but it’s not one that gets studied enough. If you’re willing to learn from the past – and even your peers — you’ll discover that others have already made a litany of scaling mistakes so that you don’t have to. They’ve also […]
Just 6% of Small Businesses Focus on Keeping Customers
this happen. But according to a new report from The Manifest, only 6% of small businesses are focused on retaining their customers. This is despite the fact their main digital marketing goal is to increase sales. The data reveals most small businesses aren’t placing a priority in engaging existing customers. The report attributes this to […]
Do you envy other entrepreneurs who attract media attention for their companies? Do you see other business successes and silently wonder why they’re doing so well when your product is even better? It could be that it’s not a matter of product/market fit, but more a matter of founder/market fit. Entrepreneurs who succeed tend to […]
How One Entrepreneur Succeeds In Running His Businesses While Traveling
Thaddaeus Koroma may spend the majority of the year on the road, building his online monetization business, IPM2, but getting to that point wasn’t easy. Like most start-ups, Koroma had trouble finding funding. “In 2014, one investor told me that he will never put a lot of money in a black person’s hand,” said Koroma. […]
Start A Business. Save Your Life — Like This Million-Dollar Entrepreneur
Kathy Goughenour still remembers the shock she felt when, after following a supervisor’s advice and getting an MBA in marketing so she could get promoted, he told her the “real reason” she wasn’t going to move ahead: “You laugh and smile too much.” Goughenour had enough. Although she was still earning nice raises […]
What Are The Most Important Skills You Need To Start A Business?
What are the most important skills founders need before they start a business? originally appeared on Quora: the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world. Answer by Alex Solomon, CTO and Co-Founder of PagerDuty, on Quora: I’ve seen lots of patterns of successful founders with […]