
Filing and Reporting Requirements

Canadian residents are required to file an annual Canadian income tax return with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and to report their worldwide income. Canadian residents are also required to file information returns with respect to certain foreign property interests, as well as certain transactions with non-arm’s length non-residents or transactions with foreign trusts. Corporations […]

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Canada Income Tax Rates

Federal taxes on personal income are marginal, increasing with the amount of income. The federal marginal tax rates for individuals are: 15 percent on the first C$46,605 of taxable income; 20.5 percent on the next C$46,603 of taxable income; 26 percent on the next C$51,280 of taxable income; 29 percent on the next C$61,352 of […]

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Canada Tax Residency for Tax Purposes

Ascertaining an individual’s residency for Canadian income tax purposes generally involves a determination of whether the individual was “ordinarily resident” in Canada or has otherwise established significant residential ties to Canada. The ITA also deems certain persons to be resident in Canada. An individual who is physically present in Canada for a total of 183 […]

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Taxation for Canadian Corporations

Canada’s tax laws are based on residency and source. In Canada, income earned by Canadian residents and income earned by non-residents sourced in Canada are subject to Canadian income tax. Under Part I of the federal Income Tax Act ( ITA), Canadian residents are taxed on their worldwide income. In contrast, non-residents are taxed on […]

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Directors’ Residency Requirements for Canadian Corporations

The federal Canada Business Corporations Act (the CBCA) requires that at least one-quarter of the directors of most federal corporations be resident Canadians. For provincial corporations, here is a list of the requirements: Alberta Directors’ residency requirements: YES At least 1/4 of the directors of a corporation must be resident Canadians. British Columbia Directors’ residency requirements: […]

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Corporate Ownership Restrictions in Canada

Federal and provincial governments impose corporate ownership restrictions in certain strategic or sensitive industries, including: Financial Institutions: Generally, without ministerial approval, a foreign bank cannot own more than 10 percent of any class of shares in any Canadian bank, including a Canadian bank subsidiary. There are various exceptions to this general rule. Broadcasting: In an […]

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