Solopreneurship is about as small as a small business gets. As a solopreneur, you don’t just run an entire business, you are the business. This means you are the CEO, accountant, manager, marketer, and what have you. Or, simply put, you wear all the hats. Sounds scaringly good, right? The probability of success, however, won’t […]
Author Archive | ecompanies
Learned Entrepreneurship What do the most funded startups have in common?
INTRODUCTION The world of startups is a dynamic place — for entrepreneurs, there is seldom any promise of vested interest or reward once they hit the ground running. Private equity and venture capital firms enjoy a hefty profit because they are supposedly good at identifying which startups sizzle and which ones fizzle, but is there a way […]
Entrepreneurial mindset for growth
When Jack Zhang decided to launch his cross-border payments start-up Airwallex, he did so without overly validating the idea so he would not talk himself out of it prematurely. The strategy flies in the face of usual corporate practice, but it has more than paid off for Zhang and his co-founders. In March […]
What drives great entrepreneurs
If any of you read one of my blog posts entitled “Six Things VCs look for in an Investment,” you may remember that the first entry on the list is “An Extraordinary Entrepreneur with Unique Insight.” I recently watched an outstanding presentation called “How great leaders inspire action” by Simon Sinek (embedded at the bottom […]
5 Reasons Startups Fail
Reason 1: Market Problems A major reason why companies fail, is that they run into the problem of their being little or no market for the product that they have built. Here are some common symptoms: There is not a compelling enough value proposition, or compelling event, to cause the buyer to actually commit to […]
Customer Acquisition: Maximizing your Funnel
This blog post focuses on how B2B companies can optimize their customer acquisition funnels using a customer-centric methodology to analyze and remove blockage points. Acquiring customers in the B2B world involves using a variety of marketing and sales steps with the goal of converting prospective customers into paying customers. The process is often thought of […]
Startup Killer: the Cost of Customer Acquisition
In the many thousands of articles advising entrepreneurs on what they have to focus on to build successful startups, much has been written about three key factors: team, product and market, with particular focus on the importance of product/market fit. Failure to get product/market fit right is very likely the number 1 cause of startup […]
How JBoss Rose to the Top
This is part of my series on Building a Sales and Marketing Machine. In this post I provide a case example to describe how one successful company built their Sales & Marketing machine. JBoss was an Open Source company providing free middleware software to it’s customers. By the end of 2003, JBoss had been downloaded […]
Everyone Is Not Your Customer: That’s OK
Starting a business is an exciting time, and its understandable that you want to introduce your new company to the world and believe that everyone – young or old, male or female, urban or rural, you name it – needs what you’re selling. As a small business owner, it’s important to feel enthusiastic about your […]
Planting the Seeds to Grow Rural Manitoba’s Small Businesses
Small businesses are the backbone of most rural communities, but maybe more important than the businesses a community currently has is the ones it will have in the future. Will there be more or fewer? As another class of graduates leaves school behind, how many of them plan to run their own businesses? How many […]