
Author Archive | ecompanies

Taxation for Canadian Corporations

Canada’s tax laws are based on residency and source. In Canada, income earned by Canadian residents and income earned by non-residents sourced in Canada are subject to Canadian income tax. Under Part I of the federal Income Tax Act ( ITA), Canadian residents are taxed on their worldwide income. In contrast, non-residents are taxed on […]

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Directors’ Residency Requirements for Canadian Corporations

The federal Canada Business Corporations Act (the CBCA) requires that at least one-quarter of the directors of most federal corporations be resident Canadians. For provincial corporations, here is a list of the requirements: Alberta Directors’ residency requirements: YES At least 1/4 of the directors of a corporation must be resident Canadians. British Columbia Directors’ residency requirements: […]

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Corporate Ownership Restrictions in Canada

Federal and provincial governments impose corporate ownership restrictions in certain strategic or sensitive industries, including: Financial Institutions: Generally, without ministerial approval, a foreign bank cannot own more than 10 percent of any class of shares in any Canadian bank, including a Canadian bank subsidiary. There are various exceptions to this general rule. Broadcasting: In an […]

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